
of organisations state that compliance is a burden.



of compliance teams agree that new technology like artificial intelligence and cloud software makes compliance easier.


Compliance is critical

For businesses to ensure they are both legally and ethically compliant, they should adhere to the following:

  • Ensure all employees are trained in the legal and regulatory requirements relevant to their business.
  • Promote a culture of ethical behaviour and decision-making.
  • Reduce the risk of legal penalties, such as OFCOM within the telecoms industry or Trading standards within Retail.
  • Protect the business's reputation.
A screenshot of the Academy Point administration page, showing the module details editor

Configuring compliance content

Academy Point ensures that your training programs are accessible, effective, and trackable. Our content creation wizard provides a seamless experience for administrators, guiding them through each step of the process. This intuitive tool simplifies the tasks of uploading, configuring, and assigning compliance training materials.

A message that says Retake due! Screenshot of a training module from Academy point showing a first aid kit. This module is called basic first aid checklist. It is now due to be retaken.
A message that says Retake due! Screenshot of a training module from Academy point highlighting the spine of a man sat at a desk. This module is called office ergonomics; best practices. It is now due to be retaken.

Revisits on training

Periodic training revisits are necessary to keep employees up-to-date with the latest regulations and company policies. Academy Point revisit schedules are fully configurable by the Admin and can be tailored to specific profiles.

A screenshot from the Currys LMS. Showing a summary of statistics used by managers to track the progress of team members.

Analyse compliance stats

At Academy Point, our comprehensive dashboard empowers Managers and Compliance officers to effortlessly track all compliance training, pinpoint any gaps and identify staff that are nearing or are no longer compliant. With our intuitive interface, managing compliance progress has never been more efficient.

A message that says Retake overdue! Screenshot of a training module from Academy point showing a fire exit sign. This module is called fire protocol. It is now overdue to be retaken.
A message that says Retake overdue! Screenshot of a training module from Academy point showing four fire extinguishers. This module is called types of fire extinguishers. It is now overdue to be retaken.

Escalation process for non-compliance

A structured escalation process ensures that any non-compliance is promptly addressed. With Academy Point multiple levels of escalation can be set up to inform the right people at the right time, ensuring swift and appropriate action is taken.