
of frontline workers are ready to quit their jobs in search of a better learning experience.



of companies rely in some way on frontline workers.


Your teams, prepared and equipped for success

Frontline training presents numerous challenges, but these can be effectively managed with a comprehensive solution that connects employees to the necessary training and resources. This ensures they consistently represent your brand and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

A member of customer support smiles while wearing a wireless headset

Exceptional customer service

Elevate the skills of your customer service team with Academy Point, to provide structured training with techniques to manage conflicts calmly and empathetically. By enhancing these essential skills, your team will be better prepared to deliver outstanding service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Screenshot of a training module from Academy point showing an overworked man using a phone, smartphone, laptop and calulator at the same time. This module is about managing workloads. Screenshot of a training module from Academy point a man holding a sign. This module is about customer objections. Screenshot of a training module from Academy point showing illustration of a man and a woman holding a clipboard. This module is about selling insurance.

Training always available

With Academy Point you can provide training that is easily accessible anytime and anywhere, employees can learn at their own pace. This method not only improves engagement and retention but also ensures that employees have the necessary tools and knowledge to represent your brand effectively and deliver superior customer experiences consistently across all locations.

A screenshot of Academy Point on a smartphone

Mobile ready

Built as a ‘mobile first’ system, Academy Point ensures the end user has the best learning experience regardless of their device or location. With Academy Point, users can access training materials anytime and anywhere, making it easier for employees to stay engaged and up-to-date with their professional development. This approach ensures that learning is flexible, convenient, and effective, ultimately driving better performance.

A screenshot of Academy Point, showing training that has been manually assigned to the current user by their managers

Manager assigned training

Academy Point is an advanced Learning Management System that allows managers to assign courses, track progress, and ensure that training is aligned with both team and company goals. With Academy Point, managers can easily identify skill gaps, provide targeted training, and monitor the development of their team in real-time.